My mom writes the horrible company reviews but what is really wrong? She didn't want to spend any money. She was unhappy when dad came home in a little brown paper box. She was unhappy that she didn't have a funeral or do any real service. He did live over 5 decades but it must be the funeral homes fault that my family wanted to spend no money and just throw dad away. My mom acted like his live meant nothing at all. Do it the fast, cheapest, easiest way. But don't take up too much of my time. She was already mad at him for being sick. She was mad at him for dying. She was mad at him for ruing her life and leaving her all alone.
What would have been nice was a funeral where we could all say a real goodbye and have a visitation with all MY friends. The funeral was for the LIVING but mom wanted it the easiest and cheapest. Afterall, his life just didn't mean very much at all. He could have done better. He could have not gotten sick. He could have left her more money with life insurance. But it is easier to complain about the cards, complain about it all. It Has to Be somebody else that hurt me. My mom is perfect. Everything mom does is perfect. It is not moms fault that Daddy came home in a box after being incinerated in an oven. Its not mom's fault that his life was reduced to meaning nothing. It is my dad and I will complain. Walker helped me. Walker helped me financially. Walker helped me all the way. They did what mom ask to do: make it fast and easy. I don't want to spend any money.
Mom you really did a great job with dad. Yeah you said goodbye at home but it is not the same as a funeral. Now we all feel like things could have been better. My dad deserved more. My dad really wanted more. My dad loved life to the fullest. He loved you to the fullest. He loved us kids to the fullest. We really loved him by putting him in the incinerator and reducing him to a little box of sand. Thanks mom. Keep it going mom with your hardheaded self. Afterall, you are perfect and it's all somebody else that caused your hurt. Somebody else caused your anger. Thanks mom. Thanks mom. Thanks mom. You really showed your loving nature. Thank you mommy dearest cause you know what is best!
Pros: My dad
Cons: My mom