I brought my car in back in june for a new muffler/exhaust
the guy who did it was the owner a guy names ray miera.
i did not notice until i went to pick up my car that this guy smelled like a brewery and appreared to be very hungover
i thought the weld looked a little jacked up when i peered under the car -however i had already paid and the car sounded fine. for about 3 weeks ...until the weld broke. i called and he gave me some BS and was rude so i ended up taking it somewhere else in el cajon to repair his crappy job and i was told he was a blithering drunk and the quality of his work is contingent on how much he has drunken the night before.
i wont be back and i would highly recommend you take your exhaust needs to one of the many other shops in east county.
BTW once i did look under the car when it was on the racks at the other shop i saw why the weld broke, this guy is a hack.
Cons: bad work