This so called Dr. Pitts, well to some he may be ok but to me and my animals he has not been good at all. HE has killed a show dog and has no compassion for the dog or me. I was given no reason why my dog was dead from an ear crop but I was charged and no pain meds were given for my dog that lived. Even when a friend went back to get the meds he was charged $12.00 dollars and they told him that they would not let me charge it to my account. I was always able to charge on my account before I had a dead dog, and now they say I have to pay in advance. Well Dr. so called Pitts this is the start of a good relationship for me to tell everyone that you are a money hungry no dog loving cat hating man just in it for the money. If you would like a good vet just please!please!please!don't go to this vet. Look around , my dog was very expensive and I don't think, well I know he was very expensive and I know he is not willing to pay for the mistake so just remember every dog has his day. When