QUALA HAS A DISREGARD FOR ETHICS AND THE WELLFAIR OF THE FAMILIES THAT GO THERE. I miscarried last year. Before I paid the 2 week nonrefundable security deposit I asked if I had another miscarriage would they give me my money back. The owner said for miscarriage & layoff I would get the money back. When my husband was layed off I asked to please refund my deposit knowing I'd lose my admin fee & slot so they could fill it with a permanent family, & when my husband could get another job we would pay the fees again & wait on the list for a slot. This was rejected even though she knew it was going back on her word. She said she was willing to hurting herself just so she could hurt me. She said that even if I'd had a miscarriage she would not have refunded my money. Worse, she said in their 19 years they had only refunded the deposit to 2 women who'd had miscarriages even when the women had brought in proof from their doctors. THAT IS DISGUSTING! Her name is Janet, her phone # is 303-810-5235. I had to write this to defend the women who had miscarried that she's hurt.
Cons: Lack of ethics