I think it is very unethical that you do not provide more info on your weak web site as I invited 12 guests in 6 coaches to dry camp on your lot across from the restaurant/club and have dinner at your establishment on the 8th of August when I saw Nic L beer band was playing. I am glad I decided to call to check on room rates for the rest of the people coming and those rates were very reasonable. I figured that Breaux bridge whatever was the backup band, please provide more info on your site. I am ashamed to have people headed this way and have to turn them around because you did not say anything about your $100.00 dollar tickets. I have nothing against a fund raiser such as this. It makes us look pretty bad as Cajuns to misinform people and HOOK them, as I see this. I travel all over the U.S. and do what I can to promote tourism to our part of the state. I have been to Pats many a time and paid mostly cash there and had a great time and have advertised Pats on my travels but the boat is starting to sink! The 8th was to be a birthday party, Cajun stile, it still will be but not at pats.