It cost me $650 to have my cat destroyed through teeth cleaning and tooth extraction. She is now blind, rigid, incontinent, and unable to feed herself. Tomorrow she will need to show some improvement. She is now at Triangle Emergency Clinic in Durham.\r
The WORST part of the experience was when I picked her up at the end of the day to take her to Triangle, I noticed IMMEDIATELY that her respirations were very depressed and that she appeared to be blind. The vet assured me that she was just sleepy from the Valium, and she expected that Princess would be up and moving around within hours. \r
The message here is that the doctor could not see a half-dead cat when it was staring her BLINDLY in the face!\r
She also assured me that the cleaning and tooth extraction had been perfectly routine and that she noticed no distress during the procedures. I would have believed her had she been able to recognize my cat in a half-dead state at the end of the day. Now I have to wonder if my cat was sh