I purchased a Surfboard Tummy Mat for my grandson. Little did I know that I was buying used merchandise.
The Surfboard Tummy Mat contains a reservoir that contains water that you add. The reservoir was filled with mold and the fabric was dirty and the play toys were lying lose in the box.
I called Babies R' Us and the reply from the store manager was, ""Well, did you look at the item before you left the store?""
I didn't think it would be necessary to open the packaging when buying from a retail store. I would thoroughly inspect the item when buying at a garage sale or a consignment shop.
I'm very embarrassed that I passed this gift off to my son and daughter-in-law as new when in fact, it was used merchandise. Who wants their new born baby lying on a mat filled with mold and used by another child?
Buyer Beware..... Babies R' Us sells consignment quality at retail prices.
Cons: Babies R' Us Sells Used Merchandise