On May, 14, 2009, J. Martin replaced a defective ice maker. As soon as the ice maker was replaced, water from the ice maker was running down the side of freezer instead of filling the ice trays. J. Martin's technician told me I needed a new water value. I review with the tech. and Mr. Martin that I felt the new problem was with ice maker installation, not with the water value. I was assured the installation was correct. After the water value was installed, the EXACT same problem existed. On June 15th, on the 3rd visit, Mr. Martin came to look at the ice maker. He immediately noted that the water tube was not lined up with the ice trays, and was causing the problems. He quickly made an adjustment to the tube, and stated this would solve the problem. Since the problem was not with the water value, but was the result of incorrectly installation, I requested a refund of the water value and the labor to install the water value. When I requested a refund for the parts and labor, Mr. Martin became extremely agitated, screaming that I was ripping him off because he had to make all of these trips out to my home. I mentioned that these trips were the result of problems his technicians created, and had nothing to do with me. He grabbed his bags, screaming as he headed out the door. While I always remained calm, and ignore his loud insults, as he walked out he slammed my front door. Due to J. Martin's incompetence in solving a very simple problem, it took them 32 days from the time they installed the new ice maker till (hopefully) they corrected the problem.
Pros: They take your money
Cons: Incompetent technicians and Owner