My canine family and I have been loyal customers of For Paws since the day they opened on Gay Street.We have always been on the weekly bath/grooming program. My Portuguese Water Dog used to run in and stand by his crate, just waiting for someone to let him in.\r
He was obviously happy to be there! When his advancing cancer could be tolerated no longer, Rebekkah was there, literally, from the beginning to the end.\r
My experiences with Four Paws have included a dog that knew which day was bath day and would wail as if he had been beaten if I drove the car in any direction other than For Paws on Thursdays; the benefit of the staff's wise advice for my million and one dog questions; generous use of a borrowed pen when one of my dogs had surgery; and a selection of the best dog toys I have ever seen! Four Paws even assisted me in adding to my canine family in the form of one very precious miniature poodle Truman, who has proven to be a True Man!\r
I never worry when I board my dogs