These idiots claim to be a full service machine shop, The guy claimed to have built 8000 racing engines. He has had four attempts to build us an engine, none of them even made it through warm up laps. So after sending it back for the last time, I asked them not to fully assemble it, (i.e. no pan or heads and intake.), and we decided to just double check them this time. From appearances these guys have never built a 383 or 410 stroker motor. They had not properly clearanced the block. I could not get a 001."" feeler gauge between the lower rod and the block in full swing, the minimum you need is .050"" I would prefer .075"" or more. The pistons had not been fly cut to clear the combustion chambers on the heads. Very basic things in race engine building. I would not let them rebuild a 40 HP Briggs if my life depended on it. They do not have a clue what they are doing.