I recently had my car serviced at Pro club Auto and had a really bad experience.\r
1.) The service was too too expensuve, I thought the work done would be superior since they charge so much, but no not at all. (Get you car serviced at a local road side shop and save some $$ instead.)\r
2. They rang the charge twice on my credit card. few weeks later I was accidentally going through my credit statements and realised this. I immediatley called pro club auto manager instead of apologing they asked to Fax my credit card stmt etc.When I went through all that they finally credited the amount back .... if I dint happen to see my stmts they would have stollen a whopping 150 bucks from my pocked ..idiots :(\r
3. While cleaning looks like they tinkered with my car system/ made my battery died etc but bottom line my car system stoppen working, I had to call the car dealer and get my audio system code and unlock it (I lost my system security ode .. but hey I would like to use it for real thefts not for car services). worst thing the mighty mechanics there dont know anything about this --what a shame for the dollars they are asking.\r
After reading the review if you still decide to go pls pls be careful and make sure you cjeck your credit card statments.
Cons: Very Expensive, careless