Renee and her ring of puppy mill friends disgust me. As a dog trainer who has spent hours volunteering to take care of some of the 600 dogs recently rescued from Snohomish and Skagit County, I am horrified by the condition of these animals. Renee may put on a good front, but the environment these animals are raised in is unacceptable. They have been forced to live in tiny, filthy cages stacked one on top of the other, with out proper medical care or adequate food and water. If you buy from pet stores, the internet, paper ads or Craigs List, you are probably supporting these types of breeding practices!! Good breeders qualify buyers, garantee there puppies and generally have a contract. They take great care in choosing whaich dogs to breed with the goal of improving the breed. Puppy Mills like Renee's treat the dogs like manufacturing equipment with the goal of making money!! Help stop puppy mills by e-mailing your district legislators and asking them to support SB5651 & HB1936. You can find out what district your in and who your legislators are by going to http:/ and press the ""find your legislator"" tab. You can click the link to e-mail them to let them know to support the bills, and check a box so it goes to all three at once. Make sure they know you live in their district. These breeding practices must stop!!!! It is filling are shelters with people who get rid of there dogs as impulsively as they bought them.. Stay away from pet stores, internet sites for finding dogs, Craigs list and paper ads. Do your research, find a quality breeder. You'll get better quality, heathier puppies and often guarantees for about the same price. In the long run, you will save money on health care and enjoy a longer life with your new loved one.
Pros: none, zero, zipola
Cons: Dogs are treated like manufacturing equipment