I am a first time expectant mom and was not satisfied with my service.The clinic overall, seemed like a good one and the nursing staff and clerical staff were nice, however I personally feel that it's the doctor that you see that can make or either break your whole perception of the clinic . I had a doctor that was new and he was not very concerned about me, just about getting paid. I was in the process of getting my insurance situated,and the doctor would not do some of the things that he was supposed to do. He walked into the room and greeted me and immediately asked about what progress my insurance company was making. He then left the room and personally contacted them and came back in the room and told me he was putting my examination off until next time, when he was sure the insurance should be cleared. I immediately changed doctors. It's hectic enough worrying about whether your unborn child is okay, but it's really hectic when a doctor refuses to care for you and your unbo