I made a pact with myself that over the course of the next several months I was going to really work hard and do what it would take to feel better about my body image. I began eating sensibly and I also joined Doug Rice?s boot camp. At first I didn?t think I could possibly fit anything more into my schedule. As it turns out, joining Doug?s boot camp was probably one of the best decisions I made. He was able to motivate me and keep me going when I felt like I wanted to quit. I was thrilled to find out that I could actually target certain areas of my body that I was ?extra concerned? about. In a matter of weeks I?d lost at least 10 lbs, my body fat % was reduced and I?d lost inches in all the right places. I looked amazing and what was even more important to me is that I FELT amazing. This same sentiment was confirmed by all the complements I received from friends and family, and especially my husband.