This is my first time writing a review for this website, i am an honest and hard working individual. Only reason i am writing this is that, this is the only way i can get back at this place, who screwed me over so much. They took my brand new car to fix something so simple, so simple as any other mech. could have fixed it in a day, and they kept the car for a week, and then once i got it back, it still didnt work. but guess what, there is more, i got it back and there were more problems. this is a brand new 25 grand car, that had no prior problem, but once they had it, there were more problems. so anyways. trust me just drive little bit more and go some where else. value your money and your car and your time. i am sick of dishonest ppl like this place.
Pros: NONE at all
Cons: you'll take ur car in for one thing and get it back without that thing getting fixed and more problems once you get it back