I took my dog Bear to this vet since he was a puppy without blinking an eye on how the costs seemed a couple hundred dollars more than other local vets.I immediately thought and assumed this vet was a notch above the rest, and my dog deserved it. I then started taking my cat, and then we rescued a chuhuahua and paid $750 to have her spayed at this place (probably at least 25% higher than any other local vet) But again, it's just money and the pets are worth it. Well after $4225 (yes I reconciled it) I had a problem with my dog bear on Sunday the 13th and I immediately remembered that Muir oaks is open, so I call in a panic since my dog is coughing up blood! The lady who answers the phone trying to shake me from the first word out of her mouth "There's 2 calls ahead of you... are you sure you would like to wait!!" Almost with an angry "I dont want to be here" tone. So I wait about 2 minutes and she returns and I let her know I need to get my dog in and explain the symptoms. She explains to me immediately that "we are shorthanded with one vet... we only have 2 techs ...and I'm by myself !" With a major attitude this time around. I amd now getting pissed. I informed her that I would like the vet to squeeeze me in!!! Cancel some appointments for anal glands or dentals.. who knows and I dont care THIS IS MY VET, AND MY DOG CANT BREATHE! She defensively rebuttles back that she can have the vet call me,,, I said WHEN! She said at the end of the day!!!! I said "I want to talk to someone else now! She informs me "I'm the only one here" then I said let me talk to the manager!" She said to my disbelief "I am the manager!" She then informed me that I should ge to the emergency vet.
Pros: Expensive building and office= lots of overhead
Cons: Sh**ty people