I operate my own therapy/counseling service and it was certainly thriving. Once I realized just how fast my practice was developing I decided I required a complex and sophisticated database to properly track my therapy billing, all of my business documents, and patient records. I also wanted a database that would eventually track employees as I planned to expand the business and grow even more in the future months and years. Northwest Computer Support was recommended to me by another therapist I know, and I’m completely thrilled that I followed through and contacted the company to find out more about their database solutions. After touching base with Northwest Computer Support in Seattle Washington, I was pleased right at the outset: they were so friendly and kind when I called them to find out what they could do for my practice. I got full IT consultation about their database solutions, and I was quite satisfied with the highly organized nature of the company. Once I opted to take advantage of their database solutions, the implementation of the project was swift and my office organization has never been better.
Carol Staley