well i am certainly not any ex girlfriend and i am wondering what good it does to rate any business if it is going to be smeared by someone else and waved off as bogus . sounds to me like the poster who raved about valley muffler was more personal and biased than the previous post. i can tell you that i am a 59 year old man with stock a 57 chevy classic that i show often at the street events and i had bad work done at valley muffler. this is an unbiased opinion that although the young man was quick his welds were extremely bad i needed show qaulity and i did not get that. i did not find the older man rude at all we had a great conversation and he was respectful and courteous to me. i did not get close enough to the other to smell alcohol so i can not attest to that either. simply the re-weld on my exhaust was bad enough that i felt the need to take it to another muffler shop and have it re-done. i thought twice about posting out here out of respect for anyone who has a business and is struggling - but after seeing such a personal rebuttal to a post from someone who clearly had an issue and was dismissed by another poster i have to come to the poor woman's defense and say i was also very disappointed with this mans weld work . thank you willy-nan-man
Pros: quick
Cons: bad work