I had heard so many good things about Oakwood Women's Center and decided to go there for my 2nd pregnancy. On my first visit there, I was asked numerous times if my first pregnancy was an abortion! And the staff also treated me as if I was nothing more than some knocked up teenager. (I am very young looking for my age but I am happily married and soon to be mother of two.) My first child was a C-Section because he had gotten stuck, and before ever seeing my records (and hardly even seeing me) the doctor had already made the determination by looking at my husband (he is 6ft and I am 5'2") that I would not be able to have a VBAC. I attempted to switch doctors after the initial visit, and they refused to let me. Aren't I the one paying for THEIR services?? They finally relented and set me up with a doctor who was brand new to OBGYN and on my first appointment, I waited over an hour and a half to see her. And when she did see me, she came in and out so fast that I didn't even get to ask he