On New Years Eve I went into Zen Spa for a manicure, pedicure, and eye brow waxing. The manicure and pedicure were just OK... nothing special at all. The real disaster came when I had my eye brows waxed. I have been getting waxed for 18 years now so I am no stranger to the process. When the lady put the wax onto my skin it burned and stung really bad. When she ripped it off I just about jumped off of the table. My skin was bright bright bright red and it wasn't until I got home and was able to look up close that I found that she had ripped the skin right off of my face. I was literally missing 2 large patches of skin right directly under my eyebrows. I had to go to the doctor and get a special cream to put on them. He said that what happend was the wax was so hot it burned my skin and then when she removed the cloth it pulled the dead skin right off of my face. I am so glad that I had decided not to get the brazillian!! When I called the Salon they told me to come back in and that they would ""fix"" it. Not sure how they were going to achieve this without skin graphs! I didn't go back in.... I will NEVER go back in. I couldn't even go out on New Years because I couldn't put make up on for a week! But of course they don't care about that.