I worked for the marksman in Puyallup, for the better part of two years. One thing that alot of customers do not understand is sometimes we have to just keep moving on to other customers. The enviroment is often mis understood by the customer. Most of the staff would love to do nothing more than stand and talk to you about every gun on earth and give you all the information we have on each and every one. Before I became an employee I was a customer, and I found that timing is everything in the store. If you come on a really busy day chances are the staff will be short with you. There are a thowsand phone calls a day to deal with on top of the safety and security of the customers on the floor. Five people literally need to be able to the job of eight. As far as the range safety oreintation goes stop crying and deal with it. I have personally seen the big chest thumping know it alls of the gun world say and do some of the most unsafe things. Those rules are not to teach you how to shoot we assume to a certian extent that you know how to do that when you enter the store. The oreintation is THE RANGE RULES not a introduction to the shooting world. To be compleatly honest with all that read this we try our best to give you a pleasent experiance and some people cant ever be helped enough. One final thought, dont let the reviews fool you. Are you more inclined to write a review if you have had a good or bad experiance. Something to think about huh?
Pros: Best prices they can offer. Staff does know what they are talking about.
Cons: Unfortunatly a very busy store, but for a reason