the owner steve is a complete moron. how are these guys still in business. why hasnt anyone sued them for everything? worst customer service ive ever experienced. EVER! a 16 day job took almost 3 months. the job was satisfactory at best. there was always some part that was back ordered. always got the run around. now i owe the rental car company over a $1000 cause my insurance coverage timed out. steve said he was gonna pay it. its pretty obvious what is happening here. this place needs to shut this down. i would rather drive around a smashed car than ever go back to this place! AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!!! DO NOT GO HERE!!!! IF YOU DO ITS YOUR OWN FAULT AND YOU WILL BE WRITING SOMETHING HERE JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!!!!
Pros: NOTHING!!!!
Cons: seriously, where do i start?