As a former employee I would not recommend my worst enemies to this restaurant. There are so many health code violations the place should be shut down. I have witnessed on numerous occasions some of the cooks using the bathroom and leaving without washing there hands including the owner. We have sent out numerous meals with meat on the verge of spoiling and were told to ""just rinse it off"" to get rid of the smell. There have been several time that mold is scraped off certain items and then served. One of there cooks has had his hands down his pants several times and then proceeds to cook. Warnings from the healthdepartment are over looked and then taken care of quickly when they come back for an inspection. Raw meat is handled without using glove then these contaminated hands are used to assemble plates. When we used a meat tenderizer there is no use of a barrier to keep bl00d and fragments of raw chicken or beef off of plates or plates with food, instead these now contaminated plates are wiped off with a dry towel. This is what happens behind the closed doors of your neighborhood Italian restaurant MEGLIOS.
Pros: if you want to take the chance of getting sick
Cons: this could fill a book