I went to have my car inspected and the guys there were ok in attitude. The real problem happened after I went to drive my car and relized the battery was dead. The tech that did my inspection had left the lights on and now four hours later I couldn't start my car. I called and told someone that my car was dead because they left the lights on after the inspection. After a dead silence I simply asked ""Can someone come give me a jump?"".....""Uh, hang on."" I was within walking distance of the shop and waited on hold for some time. Finnaly I decided to hang up and try again, but I couldn't get though. I had to have my husband come help me and by the time he got there the shop had closed. I ended up buying a new battery because they had drained it so bad. When we went a few days later we politly tried to explain the situation. The manager and another tech kept cutting us off, and wouldn't even look at the paperwork we had. What really set me off was when he said it was MY fault because I did not turn the lights off. It was noon... who thinks to check lights that they never turned on?!? In the end he just said it was all our fault and to leave or he would call the police, who he personaly knows by name and have them search us and our car (with no cause I might add). This is a franchise and it shows. I hate to think what would have happened if I had major work done on my car.
Pros: hum cant think of any
Cons: they will not take care of mistakes