I was recently in Moodz Day Spa in Acton with a friend of mine. My friend was having her nails and toes done as well as some other things....Her nail Tech who went by the name Rhonda became very comfortable and talkative with us which was nice. Until she began tell us that she was a liscened to do Esthetics but that that was it. She actually was in a way complaining that everytime she comes in she is "Stuck" doing the mani's and pedi's and she's not even licensed to do them!! I was shocked and immediately cancelled my appointment for the following day. It is very disapointint that such a wonderful company would hire someone to do a job that she clearly doesn't like nor is certified but also her unprofessional mannor was what upset me the most.....I don't recomend this spa to anyone unless they don't mind people who openly cliam to not knowing that they do.....................
Cons: An Esthetics woman doing nails....without knowledge