I was a customer at Entire for 5+ years, the keyword is was... Entire is by far the nicest shop in town with a great waiting area for customers. They built a new shop a year or so ago and it really does look great. \r
The price is a little high but I felt obligated to go because Jeff donates a good amount of money to the school, kinda returning the favor so to speak. Now, I wouldn't go if Jeff donated his heart to my children. Sorry it's the truth. \r
On a scale from 1-10 Jeff's customer skills are at about a 2. He acts like money is no object and does repairs that are over $400 without permission!!!! Maybe it's not much money to you Jeff, but to the rest of the world it is!!! His former employees Tyler and Paul? (not sure if thats his name) actually cared more about the business than Jeff, maybe they didn't but at least they acted like it. You can see it now that Jeff is there by himself. \r
I hadn't made a visit to Entire since December of 2007, I went in for some basic stuff in t