My concerns have nothing to do with Dr. Winterton as a surgeon. My concerns are that as a recpient of Medicaid I was treated like a second class citizen throughout my treatment by him and his staff. Dr. Winterton was the only Orthopedic surgeon in Molina's directory of services that specialized in feet and ankles. I had searched for one in both Salt Lake & Davis Counties. \r
I was continually reminded by Dr. Winterton that he was volunteering his time and services to do this surgery and that Molina did not pay for this. It is not my fault as a patient that Dr. Winterton accepts Molina medicaid and I found it especially demeaning to constantly be told by my surgeon I was a charity case. When I pointed out a list of concerns to him in a letter, he did not address my concerns but told me that I needed to be grateful and show my gratitude for him for volunteering to do this service. Not once did his office or him effectively address any of my concerns or alleviate any fears or anxieties I had. \r
When I asked if I could postpone the surgery due to not having anyone near me that could help after surgery, Dr. Winterton berated me and told me that I was out of line for asking. I have been unable to ambulate around my home with crutches or a walker and cannot get out of my home without assistance. I had my surgery as scheduled as i realized it was late to reschedule. Dr. Winterton could have easily said to me that is was simply too late to reschedule but he chose to berate and belittle me for having asked. \r
Pros: He's an excellent surgeon that came highly recommended by people I trust.
Cons: He failed to listen to my concerns on every level.