Approximately 3 years ago, we had a male cocker spaniel for 11 years. Dr Bob & Dr Kathleen discovered skin bump around his nose and performed necessary tests. The also removed skin, which turned out to be a form of cancer. He was healing very well and acting normals as can be. Well, mid July that year on Sunday morning Scamper wasn't acting right, he went out in the grass & flopped. Not normal. We ended up taking him to Catsonville ER since Dr Bob was closed. The ER ran several tests and x-rays. Needless to say, the cancer spread to his lungs. He was our "child" and was special in our life. Scamper, deteriorated very quickly while we were in the ER. He wouldn't have made it thru the night, so we decided to put him to sleep so he wouldn't suffer any longer. This was a very very difficult decision for us. Catsonville ER Center faxed info to Dr Bob about our loss. The next day Dr. Bob called me at my office to give his sympathy to us. He was very surprise what had happened and didn't real