I was taken advantage in a major way by this place because I am a woman and I trusted them and kept coming back and they knew it! They are seem like very nice and friendly guys there. That is why I kept coming back. I would take my car in for a oil change and suddenly my car needed needed a huge repair like new transmission(which would have been under warranty at Honda, but they never told me). The "new" transmission they put in only lasted 1 year. I would get my brakes changed there and every 2-3 months I would need new ones. They had no clue why my car was a brake eatter. They even had the nerve to take me on a driving test to make sure I wasn't driving with one foot on the brake. Very manipulative. I would drive my car off the lot and then my window would fall out. NEVER THEIR FAULT. My car always came back with something missing or broken. I used to be towed back to them every few months because they told me my 2002 civic was a lemon! After I needed my 2nd transmission