To be honest with you I dont really know what changed!! Oh yes I do a different change in staff each time I go into that dreadful place! THe doctors either dont care who they hire or they just love losing money when they fire!! I'm not to sure about the forgetful and very rude condescending office administrator, but I do know this, if she isnt FIRED her damn self Raleigh Endocrine Associates will continue to lose money. Think about it if she speaks to her employees any kind of way, and just fires them umm because its a game to her, the company as a whole loses valuable time from training these people as well as money because she isnt competent enough to hire the right people. WHO hired HER? I witnessed her talk down to an employee over a simple matter, and I withdrew my mother's business and care from that office IMMEDIATELY!!! I'm just saying, you dont get a chance to get attached to a friendly face befor another one replaces it, and that office administrator well lets just say she need some manegerial skills BAD!! Oh and the doctors need to be very selective in their hiring practice for a friendly person to run their office. SHE IS NOT THE ONE.
Pros: doctors give good care
Cons: Administive Staff skills are bad