Worms happen. \r
They come in on the grapes, hang out during fermentation, and crawl around the winery. \r
In good winemaking you try and eliminate as much as you can from getting in the wine and then in the process of 'racking' the wine you also hope to get out any bits. The final thing you do at bottling is filter the wine.\r
There are all kinds of degrees of filtration and at very minimum you should use what is called a screen filter. That basically does not effect the wine at all but keeps out particles greater than 1mm.\r
A lot of small wineries bottle by hand, and they don't use screens. Some others have heard the phrase ""unfiltered"" so much that they tell the bottler to not use a screen.\r
In any case, you should complain to the winery not the restaurant.\r
Dont believe me? Go to wine spectator school and check out the forum. \r
Pros: food
Cons: none i remember