I've been in Gibraltar Trade Center at least a half dozen times in the last couple of years. EVERY time I pass Pollywood Pets when I'm there the dogs look miserable. I even bought a little dog from Pollywood Pets two years ago only because I fell in love with her. But I never will again. Luckily, she's been healthy. She looked very depressed when I bought her. And yes, she goes to the vet regularly. BUT...........the dogs at Pollywood appear very unhappy; they either look depressed or are literally trying to scrape their way out of the cage. The cages look dirty. These dogs look like they get no exercise. Don't tell me they do. No one is there four days a week. Everyone who sees these poor creatures gets this same feeling. I'm calling the Humane Society to complain.
Cons: Cages are small, dirty; dogs are restless & unhappy looking.