For the most part Bark and Purr Retreat is exactly what it should be. A reasonably safe environment where the animals are cared for by employees who enjoy the company of animals and don't just see the boarders as money. During my short period of employment my only issues were being blamed for a dog escaping into the scrap yard behind the kennels after it managed to slip underneath a bad spot in the chain link fencing. The dog was caught by the owner Tim, and myself, and returned but its feet were torn up from running across the sheet metal in the scrap yard and it had bitten holes in its tongue. Then I was told there were 3 different stories as to how the dog escaped, so who knows what the owners of the dog were told. Considering I'm the only one who saw it, it's amazing that there was more than 1 eye witness account, but that's what the owner says.\r
In all fairness the dog was scared to death and reacted on its instincts and had it not gone UNDER the fence, it probably would have gone