I had a kitchen sink overflowing from the apt. upstairs when I found Bob's on City Search. Having read so many nice things about this company I thought I would give them a try. My landlord couldn't reach the regular plumber (creep) for the bldg. so he told me to call someone and I'd be reimbursed. Well, Bob's son Jonathan shows up and what a sweet gentleman he was! I was a little surprised at first because he is such a young man but he took care of the problem in less than 20 minutes. He wore his little orange booty's, had a pad for his tools and equipment, cleaned up my sink and even shined up my faucet! After having the regular bldg. plumber slop around my apartment in the past, this was just such a treat! Jonathan is adorable, clean, courteous and a gentleman. Highly recommend these people!
Pros: Very clean, fast and courteous!