To the last writer, you are correct. She does take everything out on the children. I have seen it time and time again. I do understand your point. It's scary to speak up knowing that it your child that is going to pay the price. I have seen her send numerous parents out the front door crying because of the way she spoke to them and sadly enough, I have seen even more children leave crying. It's not because she is correcting them on their dancing, but rather lashing out at them because she is upset with the parents. Her hollier than thou attitude is pathetic. The way she preaches one thing and then acts in the complete opposite way. For those of you who are close to her and will defend her wrong doings to the end, shame on you. You can be close to someone and still see them for what they are. Don't tell me for one second you can't see how she treats people. Guess what.... you will probably be next on her list. She uses everyone. Look at those she has been extremely close to in the past. She turned on them and she will turn on you. Stop defending her poor behavior, just because you weren't the one on the receiving end, yet.\r
On a final note, I must say that while I felt that all of you should speak up, if you choose to stay at this studio, maybe you shouldn't. I thought that I did the right thing by telling her the truth, but I was mistaken. Even with us not being at the studio, she has still managed to treat me horribly and if I ever had any doubt in my mind about leaving, she has now made me realize that I made the correct choice. Be careful what you say if you choose to remain there. She can be very cruel.\r
ps I find it hysterical that the only good comments made about this studio on this website, is that they have good bathrooms!
Pros: bathrooms
Cons: everything