This last entry has finally done it for me.If you have your own opinion,everyone is entitled to one,and you have written it on this site, so be it .However, to ask for a mean, borderline vigliante type gang-up on anyone,smacks of such nasty intent,that I worry about your well being.To air your grievances publicly is one thing, but to attack with direct maliciousness goes beyond reason and makes me wonder how this website can allow such an attack. The dancers and famlies that have stayed at Starz have done so because they WANT to, those that have left have done so because they WANT to. It is called free will. Those that stay are happy, those that go are happy.What I can NOT understand is the need to continually attack and bash this studio after you leave.Did any of you think for one minute that you are hurting others with your vindictiveness?!The constant desire to hurt and ruin and slander needs to stop. No matter what you feel, others feel differently.You are only hurting yourselves by constantly rehashing past hurts and slights.You are becoming worse than the object of your hate, you have made me look at all of you in a way that breaks my heart. This last entry is so very wrong! Michelle brings in LA Choreographers to broaden her dancers' scopes,anyone that has danced here and experienced them will truthfully tell you that these were some of the BEST experiences of their dancing lifes.Speaking of copying choreography, please go ahead and ask all of Central Florida's Dance Teachers who they feel is the most likely to steal choreography,the answer you will receive is NOT MIchelle.Everyone knows who copies Choreography the most!Maybe you already know too!Maybe you just want to throw the blame somewhere else!I have only seen this type of hate and animosity during mankinds most horrible moments in history, it saddens me to think that it exists so strongly in Central Florida's Dance world.Please stop,think of others before you do this again!
Pros: Great teachers, staff