Having visited Great Woods on average of 4 times a season for 10 years, I was convinced that there was no better place to see a show. When Tweeter took it over several years ago, it virtually stayed the same, outside of the escalation of the prices as well as the lower quality of what you purchased. A couple of years ago they decided to eliminate the lawn and rear bleachers to put in more money grubbing seating. It was then that I started calling the Tweeter Center. At that point, Great Woods was officially dead. Now it is the Comcast Center, and it fits the name to a T. It now belongs to the biggest corporate crooks outside of the oil industry. I went there to see Rush, and the first kick in the seat I had was you are no longer allowed to bring in your own water. Sealed or not. The guy telling me this said that it was at the request of the band. BS!!! The band makes nothing from concessions. They make their money from the tickets and t-shirts. I also had the opportunity to see a menu with the prices. Steak and cheese sandwitch; $10.00, Beer (watered down); $8.00, Pizza (6in pie); $9.00. After spending all the money for the tickets and gas to get there, I could not part with one cent of my hard earned money to support this. As hungry as I was, I wouldn't even give them the $4.00 they wanted for another water. When the show was over, having a bad back, I will wait for the crowd to thin out before leaving. Not with today's over steroided security. He was making threating gestures to get me out of there. So in short, Thank you Great Woods for all the years of enjoyment. Just as Comcast has lost my money from bad buisness in the cable world, They will also lose my money here.