i'm one of those fans who show up around 4am for shows. as we had GA pit tickets, that was what we did to see AFI (& green day) Aug 16th @ the comcast center. only problem was, no parking until 4pm (will call was also @ 4), so parking elsewhere was a pain in the ass. that's my only complaint. i'm not a drunk tailgater, so i can't comment on what expereince those kinds of people have at concerts. yes ticket prices, food, water, everything cost way more than it should, but it's a big venue, they're all like that - get over it. i have snacks and water in line, then refuel after the show in my car. also, the security guy who's job it was to babysit all of us in line all day was really awesome. had lots of concert stories and venue info, tips and such. i prefer to see AFI in smaller clubs, but opening for green day in this huge venue was brilliant, i realize that waiting in line all day is not most people's concert experience, but don't be scared away from the comcast center by bad reviews. our security guard told us that there is NO drinking allowed in the parking lot, but if you're of age & have it in a cup and don't flaunt it that they probably won't bother you. don't make an ass of yourself and they should leave you alone. other than the 4pm parking, it was a fine concert venue.