I have been a loyal concert goer to the tweeter center for 5+ years. I just went since it became the comcast center and it was the worst concert experience i have ever had. I watched a teenager get maced because he was drinking a beer. MACED! in the first ten minutes of being there! i understand being reprimanded for underage drinking but that was harsh. When his friend got upset about what happened he was tackled to the ground and then thrown AT a golf cart. by the way this was all done by a police officer wearing spandex shorts and a bycicle helmet. even 30+ year olds were getting their coolers dumped b/c they were not from MA. it was awful. At least the concert (DMB) was great but the security was a joke and rude. i came to tailgate and have a good time but the whole time i was worried about getting pysically harassed by cops driving golf carts. I doubt I'll go back there and the bands would be smart to find a new venue. at this rate the comcast center can kiss the fans goodbye b/c everyone i heard was miserable. i would reccomend buying tickets for your favorite band at some other venue on the tour, this one is a waste of your money.
Pros: free parking
Cons: security is abusive.