Finally giving credit to whoever came up with this brilliant idea of being able to speak out about a place that you truly like, voicing it out to other people out there, guiding them to a place that they would never again have to go through the miserable stress of finding the right dental office. 7yrs I've been going to Gentech Dentist in Hillsboro, it's pretty obvious as to why....... the remarkable quality, the staff and best of all the dentists who actually knows what they are doing. I never thought I could actually say this about a corporation but this place is above that. The dentists style is absolutely unique, the well attired staffs along with that remarkable smile just gives you the reassurance that this is the place that you don't hesitate in taking the time of your day. I'm the kind of person that would support local businesses, but even though this place is a corporation, it feels very humble yet professional and among everything else - this place is REAL. I wouldn't normally write reviews but Gentech deserves it and i would highly recommend this establishment to anyone looking for friendly people and great service. "Here's to Gentech!" Keep it up & continue to do what you've been doing ----> The Best!
Pros: All of the above ++++++
Cons: n/a