As the owner of Pet Authority Animal Hospital I would like to respond to "EUGASARD'S" review & comments on our services and charges. As pet advocates our entire staff tries to educate each and every pet owner what is best for their pets health. Every service recommended is quoted out for our clients and discussed in detail so each owner can make a knowledgible decision regarding their pets health care. What services were you seeking for your pet and why do you believe that any staff member tried to "add on procedures and unnecessary vaccines". Were these services and vaccines discussed with you as a way to inform you of new developments in pet health care? Was a quote given to you prior to any additional services rendered? Were you not asked if you would like to decline additional services or vaccines that would benefit your pets health care? We offer Pet Wellness Plans to help keep pet health care costs down as well as Care Credit (human & pet health care card for medical services), were these services offered to you? Our highly trained staff spends a lot of time with each client to educate them regarding their pets health care, so that the clients decision on what they feel is best for their pet is a informed decision. Please feel free to call or email me anytime to discuss your pets visit.