1) I had trouble having my phone calls returned, sometimes waiting 2-3 days. Usually I had to call back again and again. UP has only one email address. \r
2) Simple requests such as pictures following moveouts were difficult to attain. I had to ask them to go back to get them. \r
3) Without notice, UP took it upon themselves to hire a company to go and spray for weeds and pass on charges to the owner and tenent. Lease agreement holds tenent responsible for weeds. (Home is apart of HOA)\r
4) Tenent complaints were not tended to in a timely manner. Case in point - tenent notified UP that the stove has two burners not working. The matter wasn't resolved until a new property managment company was in place (>30 days later). \r
5) UP didn't follow strict instructions and signed a tenent for 6 months vice 1 year. \r
6) UP sent out contractor to replace generic shower head, what was installed was a premium variable shower head. (Good for tenent, not so good for me) Would have prefered prior notice of purchase.\r
7) Industry standard I'm sure, UP uses it's own pricy repair contractor. They didn't look out in my best interest keeping repair costs low by shopping around. \r
8) UP was instructed to have all locks rekeyed and send me a spare set, this didn't happen. \r
9) Monthly payment was inconsistant sometimes being received the 2nd-3rd week of the month. If late charges were charged to the tenent, UP kept them. \r
Overall, I believe it is Ulimate Properties' poor service to the tenent that has lead to a high turnover rate of this property.