I can't stand to hear anymore Michelle bashing. Come on people wake up. All the complaints about Michelle making money off of her studio. Of course she is going to make money. That is her career, what puts a roof over her head and food on the table. Ask yourselves how many of you would go to work all week and not bring home a paycheck?? In an unrealistic world it would be great to be independently wealthy enough to be able not have to rely on a paycheck but lets face facts none of us are Paris Hilton. Dance is a luxury that not everyone can afford but thats the way life works. It's not like the expense is exclusive to Starz or comes as any surprise. Hello people EVERY studio charges and makes money. They wouldn't be open if they weren't making money. Starz is more than fair about giving ample time to pay and breaking things down into payments not to mention that every year many scholarships are awarded as well. Michelle consistantly grooms excellent dancers. Not everyone is Broadway or LA bound geez they do it because they love dancing. I hope Michelle finds out who each and everyone of you are who are bashing her and hunts you down and shoves her Jimmy Choo's right up your...Thank you Michelle for always giving 100% to our dancers!