The people who run the place are great & nice but the location is in north las vegas so its just average. I wish they offered more benefits to caregivers. They also required back ground checks & fingerprint checks like its high security there or sumthing. They said it required by law but I got it done & its hassle & cost me money & they require to see training diplomas & food preperation certificate or somthing & I have to go to health dept to get this done & hepatitis check & all this for little or no benefits. I need health insurance at least. Also they need more caregivers but how can they get if they demand all this education & training before hand. I rather work for casino or sumthing! Staff is over worked & not enuf caregivers & thats why they still closed. Also more people are living with their familys now days becuz of economy so good luck tryin to fill place with residants. & also north las vegas is not as good as henderson. So ur location is just average.