I went to Dr. R Farah for a pigmentation that I wanted to see if he could make less visible. I knew it wasn't cancer because my doctor had said so and I told him. He recommended a biopsy so that he would know how to treat it. The biopsy came up negative leaving a big scar. He didn't treat the area with anything- leaving me to question why he did the biopsy in the first place. He recommended laser treatment to help the scar heal quicker. It was healing fine until the last laser treatment. The last (3rd) laser treatment he burned me leaving hyperpigmentation/inflamation that looked ten times worse than the original mark. He told me it would go away in 3-5 days. The following week when he saw it he said it would be 4-6 weeks to heal. 3-5 days suddenly turned into 4-6 weeks! It has been 9 months of treatment and one month since the disaster 3rd laser treatment and it looks worse than it ever has. I had another doctor look at it ( one of the finest plastic surgeons in the state ) and he recommended to get an incision and get the whole area of skin taken out and start over so that is what I plan on doing. Nine months and hundreds of dollars down the drain at Farah's office. Enter at your own risk!