Our family purchased Gizmo, a(Japanese Chin, Poodle Mix) in 3/07. Our son was an employee of All Pets Club in Branford. This little puppy attached himself to our son.We weren't able to bring him home right away because he had kennel cough so he spent about an extra week in the store, as they had to wait for the next visit from their vet to give him a clean bill of health. When we did bring him home he still had kennel cough We kept the vet that APC uses believing that would be the best thing for Gizmo as a new home was enough of a change. He loves to play in or yard. Gizmo cried alot for the 1st few months, the vet said he wasn't used to exercise & has sore muscles. 6/07 he tried to jump on our bed and fell. The Animal Hospital did xrays & prescribed pain meds. They said Giz would be ok, but they saw something in the xray in his spine that he would probably grow out of,all visit info was forwarded to his regular vet & once reviewed she would call us. We got a call from the regular vet who asked how Giz was doing since the fall. He was ok & taking the meds. In 11/07, I decided to change vets because Giz began falling while walking, & dragging his back legs, I took him to a new vet, Gizmo was becoming paralyzed, the vet referred me to a neurologist in Shelton, who said Giz as missing a bone in his neck. Without this bone he began damaging his spinal cord (causing the pain)the 2 bones on either side of the missing bone are pinching it & it could be severed unless stabilized by a cast or bone being implanted. I called APC to tell them they should reconsider using that breeder.The owner passed me to the store mgr & puppy mgr neither showing any concern or compassion. The store mgr compared Gizmo to a computer!! Stating when the warranty is up you pay for your own parts!! I have a pending case w/ the Att Gen. I have spoken to many families who have bought dogs from both the Branford & the Wallingford store & have had issues.
Pros: looks clean
Cons: animals in ill health & cust service is awful