I bought a dog 6 years ago. Shelly said he was a purebred Chihuahua. She gave me papers stating this also. However, he is 21 lbs and all vets I have been to said I was lied to. He also had a parasite that made him lose 50-80% of his hair which cost me nearly a 1,000 in vet bills to fix. This past fall I went to Pollywood and was horrified by what I saw. She had dogs upon dogs in hamster cages and even bird cages. One dog in particular was missing 80% of his hair, had red sores all over, horsefly bites on his ears, and he stunk from mass amounts of yeast and bacterial infections in his ears. He was also grossly underweight where you could feel his ribs and see his spine sticking out of his back. I had him taken out of the cage and he wouldn't even move. SHE WANTED $400 FOR THIS DOG!!! It took me 3 attempts to finally get this dog..the lowest she would go in price was $250. She told me when I boght the dog that he was 6-7 mos old..the paperwork she gave me said he was a 1yr 1/2. She told me someone walked him everyday...he was scared to walk on grass and the sidewalk!!!! Later I went back to rescue another older dog she showed me that dogs paperwork (which is a vet history) and it WAS THE EXACT SAME PAPERWORK SHE GAVE ME FOR MY DOG!!!! Last weekend I went to get a dog from there that has been in a cage FOR TWO YEARS!!!!!! She wanted $300...she stated he was purebreed and I think she is lying about that as well. I offered $275 and she wouldn't budge....When I tried to bargain with her she KICKED ME OUT!!!!! Many people are signing a petition to shut this place down...please look it up and sign...Shely Myers has not right running this pet store...she lies, overcharges, and gives false paperwork. Someone else I know just bought a dog there three weeks ago. It was sick and got her other two dogs sick...she tried to call Shelly several times and conveniently her voicemail box was full everytime!!!!!
Cons: overpriced, unhealthy animals, mentally ill dogs from being locked in cages for years