About two years ago I lived in one of their properties in Costa Mesa (Monte Sereno to be exact) and I can say it was the worst experience ever!!!!!! The apartment was infected with black disgusting little insects! It was horrible! The second day after we moved in the toilet backed up and there was feces everywhere in the bathroom! I had to clean this mess! This happened more that just one time! My sister and I always kept everything clean and made sure there was not any food left out but still that did not help the insect situation! We ended complaining to the manager and finally they bugged the place. That still did not help. We ended up having to report this to the health agency( I believe it was that dept). They bugged the place again and that still left black insects( for some reason it wont let me type the right word which u already know what it is). So we definitely had to move out! So in order to ensure we got our full deposit back we asked the manager for the specific color to repaint the walls. She gave us the exact color and we painted and the color was just off the one on the wall. That just showed that the paint on the walls was old. We also had a friend clean our carpet who is a professional carpet cleaner. He left cleaner from when we moved in! While he was cleaning the manager ended up having the police give him a ticket for having a hose going to the drain even though it was clean water. Well they always know how to make sure you don't get your whole deposit back! They ended up only giving us partial deposit because they had to repaint! I can honestly say I hate these people!!!! So if you are considering moving in there DON'T! You will save yourself a headache!