They care nothing about their customers after they have their money. The Ford Escape they sold me in April of 2007 is a piece of garbage. It is now in the shop for transmission failure and I have been unable to go to work for the last three days because they do not provide rental cars unless you have $500 on a credit card. Most dealerships ask for a credit card in case but Family Ford specifies that there must be $500 on the credit card or no loner car for you. If you roll over a little pothole the Ford Escapes rims will break at a cost to you of $600 a piece. Most place I've heard of have potholes, as a matter of fact all major US cities do. They care nothing about your family, so the word family should be removed from Family Ford.
Pros: They are good at convincing you to buy.
Cons: If your car has mechanical problems they will fix it but you won't have anything to drive.