I have nothing but the greatest respect for Oradell Animal Hospital and its excellent doctors and staff. Oradell is not where I usually take my pets as it is quite a distance from where I live. It is the place I go when one of my ten cats contracts an illness that cannot be diagnosed or treated by my family vet.\r
Such was the case with "Sterling," a 12-year-old neutered male, who lost almost a third of his body weight, inexplicably and in a very short time. The doctors at Oradell examined him, ran the appropriate tests, and diagnosed that he had a serious heart condition. Now, a year later and on prescription medication, he has regained his weight (and then some) and appears to be quite healthy and happy.\r
A more recent case was with "Lucy," my old-lady calico. Lucy also had lost a lot of weight and over time, was becoming increasingly inactive. Since she is 17 years old, I expected that her decline was unstoppable. My vet ran every test of which she was capable in terms of equipme